The power of visualization...

Have you ever wondered what separates people who regularly achieve their goals from people who can’t seem to achieve theirs?

One technique that appears to be part of the distinguishing factors is visualization. 

When we use our mind’s eye to back our desired outcome, it helps us to succeed.  As a matter of fact, there have been studies showing how people who practiced playing a new set of notes on the piano and those who just imagined themselves doing it along with moving their fingers, have very similar outcomes when asked to play them on the piano. 

Essentially, we can fool our mind into thinking we are doing something by imagining ourselves doing it.  Professional athletes use this in their training, and children are some of the best manifestors around.

I have 3 sons and the two older ones have their own scooters.  My third son asked for a scooter, and we told him he would get one for his birthday.  He declared, “I’ll get it before then, I know it.”  i rolled my eyes and shrugged it off, but he was determined to prove me wrong.

One day, when we got to the park for our homeschool meet up, we saw a scooter on the free table!  People place items on the table they no longer want, and I was shocked to see a scooter.  Most times the items are small toys and used books.  Occasionally, there are clothes and larger toys, but in our 6 years of attending this meeting, I’ve never seen a scooter on the table to be given away.

As soon as my son saw it, he gave me the “ha, I was right” look.  I couldn’t believe it.  My son had successfully visualized his scooter and it came to be!

Visualizing what we would like to see manifest is a powerful tool in co-creating our reality.  The more detailed we can be in our visualization, the more likely we are to see it manifest.  Include as many details as you can when thinking about your desired outcome.  For example; the brand of item, how you will feel if you get it, when you would like to achieve your goal by, and anything else you feel will make it more real to you.

Take daily action to align yourself with the goal.  Whatever small steps you can take, take them.  The key is to do it daily so you don’t lose momentum.  It’s harder to start over than it is to take very small steps.

And lastly, don’t give up.  We never know when our visualization will become manifest, so keep going.  The universe likes details, perseverance, and grit, and when you show up for yourself oftentimes that energy is matched and you are rewarded with your desire coming into fruition. 

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